Tuesday, 26 February 2013


That says "eggs" generally said chicken eggs, but it also eats the eggs of other birds such as quail, duck, goose or ostrich eggs and even fish those lump or eg sturgeon eggs or reptiles. However, those that we eat more chicken eggs are mainly chicken eggs.
They have white shell when they come from old French breeds of chickens and a shell pink color when they are crossbred with breeds of chickens in Asia. The color of the egg yolk in turn, depends on the diet of the hen. Men eat eggs since antiquity, but the food was also allowed, at that time, the Chinese, Persians, Greeks, Egyptians and Ukrainians express their creativity. In fact, they liked dye or decorate eggs more or less valuable.In the fourth century the Church encouraged people to afford preserved eggs during the days of Lent, Easter Day, to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Moreover, today, the ritual of Easter eggs takes this tradition even if it is more real eggs, but filled with chocolate candies that children have the joy of looking into the gardens in the morning Easter. Cheap and the food has become so popular that it has resulted in many expressions such as "It does not make omelettes without breaking eggs," Who steals an egg steals an ox "or" Put all eggs in one basket. "

In France, egg consumption has been increasing significantly over the past centuries and it is a consumption of 60 eggs per person per year in the seventeenth century to 270 today. I must say that this is an exceptional food. In fact, the egg has a high nutritional value. With all the nutrients necessary for the development of an organism, it is a source of highly digestible protein and is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K. In addition, it contains valuable minerals such as iron, phosphorus, iodine, essential for a good thyroid function and selenium antioxidant par excellence.
However, the cholesterol content of egg yolk and rich in saturated fatty acids are a problem. But at this point, opinions are divided and if some believe that eggs are not directly responsible for hyper cholesterol and triglycerides others will even consider this as a cholesterol diet. These include egg producers who feed their hens flaxseed or canola omega 3. Finally, we recognize the egg a satiating power, which is why it is recommended that people wanting to lose weight eating a boiled egg at breakfast to limit their intake of calories during the rest of the day.

This health food is eaten raw, cooked or swallowed by various cooking methods. Indeed boiled in its shell can be enjoyed at-boiled or hard without its shell, poached or scrambled while cooked in fat, we savor in omelette, fried eggs or baked in a casserole. But the egg is the essential ingredient to achieving some pasta, cakes, cookies, pastries, mousses and desserts of all kinds.
To choose the eggs, you must know the meaning of the code is written on their shells. Thus, 0 refers to hens according to the standards of organic farming, 1 for outdoor hens, 2 hens to the ground and 3 to caged hens in battery cages or . In this figure there are two letters indicating the country of origin: FR for France or BE for Belgium, for example, and finally the number identifying the producer.
Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator for about three weeks after laying date, but must avoid cleaning or washing in water, because at the time of laying, hens secret varnish which prevents the penetration of micro- organisms and thus ensures the maintenance of the egg. Finally, it is good to know that to check the freshness of an egg just immerse in cold salted water, because it is not cool enough, it will float.

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