has experienced very old in great shape like that bottle forever and
whose example disturbs makers and strengthens the moral discourse of the
Epicureans. So what is it really, wine is good for health?
Wine Alcohol consumption, if it is very moderate, is not a factor of shortening life. According
to a study conducted in seven different countries, the mortality rate
is correlated with the percentage of no calories in the form of alcohol.
Against by the study conducted by Dr. Framingham, showed that moderate alcohol consumption reduces the risk of coronary events. An American study has shown that moderate wine drinkers had very reduced all-cause mortality by about 20%.
The French are known to love the pleasures of the table. The Americans, for their part, had been on the wagon by the government. They
did not fail to note that the French, despite their license, had this
time (in the 80s) 3 times less cardiovascular disease.
to several studies, the hypothesis was that lower mortality could be
linked to alcohol consumption the highest in the world, mainly in the
form of wine ...
Wine, as well as fruit, is known to contain powerful antioxidants: the famous polyphenols. These polyphenols among other effects benefactors prevent lipoprotein oxidation and decrease platelet aggregation.International
research has shown that phenolic compounds could therefore have
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet, all play a role in
preventing the development of cardiovascular disease and that daily
consumption of wine from February to April glasses has a cardioprotective effect.It
must be stressed that if moderate drinkers have a lower mortality risk
than abstainers, consumers have a predatory risk increases with
consumption. As always synonymous with health moderation ...
He must consume everything, a little each day as it farewell frustrations and "jilting" reckless. It also works well for alcohol than for sweets!
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