Tuesday, 26 February 2013

The orange

Because of its reputation as a reservoir for vitamin C, orange is the most consumed fruit by the French. It stands for vitality and good health.
The orange is the fruit of the orange tree. It is a tree that lives in hot and humid regions. Small, however, it produces much fruit, round fruit and orange juicy pulp divided into quarters.
Orange is known for its high content of vitamin C, vitamin that promotes the synthesis of blood vessels and muscles. It also helps promote the elimination of toxins associated with tobacco or pollution.
It is also known to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals (which accelerate aging of the skin). But be aware that, contrary to what we believe vitamin C is present in the lemon in orange and even more in the red peppers or the green cabbage.

By cons, orange is interesting from the point of view of the calcium it provides. In addition, there are some in orange organic acids that promote the binding of calcium. It is surprising that the calcium orange is similar to that of milk ...
In fact, orange is a real mix of benefits and contributes to a balanced diet, because it brings a lot of vitamins and low in calories. However, it is better to eat the orange area, rather than juice.
Whole, it brings a lot of fiber that facilitate transit. Password again for homemade juices, provided they are consumed right away. But the juice found in stores are often too sweet to be avoided. 
The three kinds of oranges most on the market are:

The Navels. They crisp pulp and citrus blossom party has a form of navel.
  •     Blondes. These are small oranges, which are provided with many seeds.
  •     The Sanguines, which are very colorful, a color that is reddish, so that the bark pulp.
To choose well, feel them, they should be firm to the touch. However, do not rely on the color of the fruit. It may still be a little green, but that does not mean it is not ripe! Indeed, the green pigments of the skin of the fruit turn orange and red under the action of cold.
Some cold sunny areas and therefore do not know oranges are not orange but yellow green! Then depending on what you want to do, juice or neighborhood, the varieties used are not the same. Read the labels!

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