Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Sugar and we

Carbohydrates make you fat, at least the bad. Because some are good: when you absorb, the body must provide the same energy to assimilate. We can distinguish between carbohydrates that are slim and those who grow: those for which the organism is genetically prepared, and those who fear your body, in summary burners and fat trappers.
our convert carbohydrates readable form, the body provides extra energy. Carbohydrates are more complex, more energy is needed. The "size" of the carbohydrate is a key factor:Simple carbohydrates consist of a single element, in the case of glucose and fructose.Other carbohydrates are composed of two elements, that is the case of sucrose (sugar cubes) and lactose.
Called complex carbohydrates consist of a large number of identical elements, the organization must first ungroup. These carbohydrate chains are particularly cereals, potatoes, turnips, cabbage and legumes.The brain craves sugar: it feeds exclusively tirelessly drawing blood glucose. Without sugar, the concentration relaxes, fatigue and bad mood invade us. For urgent needs, the liver takes 70 grams of glucose available to the brain.

About 300 to 400g are stored in the muscles, a reserve for exceptional cases, for example a 100m or sting to hammer on weight machines. The muscles, too, need carbohydrates for energy. If you spend a lot, your muscles draw on this reserve of energy and burn sugar, which vanishes in smoke.These stocks must be constantly renewed. The whole process is controlled by hormones. The energy balance of the body is governed by the rate of glucose. One liter of blood contains about one gram of sugar, as we have seen, in the form of glucose. The organization strives to maintain this constant rate.
If you provide carbohydrates in the form of chocolate or bread, digestion enzymes that reduce intake of tiny elements. Sugars in the blood and pass. Your body reacts as a program: the pancreas secretes insulin and sends it into the bloodstream.

Insulin sends an immediate message to the appetite center in the hypothalamus: Enough! Stop all input! Insulin transports the sugar molecules to the liver and muscles. But when they are met, what happens rapidly, remaining sugars are converted to fat, buttocks, hips and belly.
When the sugar is lacking in the brain, an alarm locks: one easily becomes nervous, distracted, feverish, vulnerable ... The governing satiety center receives the message: To eat immediately, and sweet please!Morning fasting blood contains 1g / l of sugar. Depending on what you take for breakfast, blood sugar rises very quickly or very slowly. Orange breakfast contains fiber. With these roughage, it takes some time to free fructose in the intestine and creep into the blood.
In other words, if you eat fruit, blood sugar rises only slowly and then continues to fall. Wholemeal bread, with complex chains of carbohydrates must first be broken down into small molecules of glucose. Numerous dietary fiber also hinder the passage of sugar in the blood.Blood sugar rises so slowly and steadily. Three hours passed before the sugar is managed at various points of the body. It is only then that was hungry again. The same pattern applies to plain rice and wholemeal pasta. 

When you eat white bread - without dietary fiber - or sugar molecules such as sugar cubes, jam or chocolate bars, small molecules seep directly into the blood and blood sugar levels soaring. You suddenly at least 1.5 g / l of blood sugar. And this is what really grow. 
How much sugar? 
Try to avoid refined white sugar. Use natural products: honey, maple syrup ... Although these products are insulin levels, if you use as a spice, they do not grow.If you avoid everyday products with refined sugar and white flour, extra pounds melt and should not reappear!

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