often, it begins to grow in the following way: to lose a few extra
pounds, you have taken the first diet that had you cooked "light", won
the radius of the hyper Gerlinéa the corner, removed the fruit or carbohydrates
and then inevitably, you fell for a four-cheese pizza, a small raisin
bread or a good pot of Hagen Daz short, you have satisfied your body in
the moment and you have plunged.
The body quickly retaliated and stored for fear of being deprived again and kilos doubled. So
the pharmacy management and battery miracle pills that make deflate few
weeks, and who cease to effect complete cure ... and the jeans are too
small again.
This is the vicious circle of most women who decide to go on a diet. 95%
of people who are overweight, the plans are the starting point of the
descent into hell and weight that does not stop growing. This worsening by the plans is well known: it is the yoyo effect.
We need 2000 to 2400 kcal / day. Suffice it then to absorb less fattening foods to lose weight? No!Because our body knows how to ration. At first, it reduces the energy consumption.Imagine the thing mitochondria, small boilers of our cells burn less food. They produce less heat and less calories and convert into energy. The whole organism is rationed, becomes more difficult to move, you feel more tired and the body temperature drops
the sugar reserves are more readily accessible than fat, the body uses
during famine in tanks glucose in the liver and muscles.Approximately 500g of sugar are available in these organs. Burning
sugar makes you sweat profusely, which explains the early success of
many systems, confirmed by the weight indicated by the scale.
The body is then confused: as needed sugar for the brain, he must start his precious body protein to convert into sugar. Result: the immune system and distribution centers operate at low speed, muscles melt.In one week, you reduce calorie intake, as well as your weight, but in truth you have not lost a single gram of fat. It is only at the beginning of the second week that the body attacks the unsightly bulges.
often we are already tired of the regime and we start to nibble
sheepishly chips or cookies in his chair and take even more kilos,
because the muscles are being replenished not as fast as fat and it has
the unfortunate tend to proliferate around when the chips are released lipids in the body.
The needle swings like a yo-yo: she climbed back down and also dry. Nobody can get out of this vicious circle. The diet industry is rubbing his hands: she indeed wins billions on extra pounds.The pharmaceutical industry welcomes: slimming pills are all the rage. Magazine publishers are happy: a magazine with a regime saw its sales rise by 20%.
Change your life: give up to save calories. To lose weight, you must eat well and diversified. It is for this reason that this blog tries to give you the keys to a healthy diet, combined with your health and your line.
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