Like it or not, stress is part of life. There are two forms of stress. The first is "good stress" because it allows us to react and adapt quickly, reflex, especially in case of danger.We need it to stay alive. It has a beginning and - most importantly - an end. "Bad stress", meanwhile, is triggered without reason vital to a distressing situation.
The substances emitted while in our body, such as adrenaline, are not used to a reflex of protection as was the case with the "good stress." Instead they act negatively on both our body as our brains.They can promote hypertension, cancer and digestive problems more or less serious. Stress is often finally cause migraine, nervousness, anxiety, depression and making or weight loss among individuals.Essential Oils
Are you under stress?
If you answer yes to the following statements, you are probably stressed and ailing:
- You have no enthusiasm for work or family.
- You are sad and irritable.
- You have a bad back, head or stomach.
- You have trouble sleeping and you wake up tired.
Base oils against stress:3 tablespoons of sweet almond oil + 50 drops of essential oil to choose from the following. Stir the mixture into a small bottle, let stand 4 days before using it. Using a few drops of product, massage strategic points such as the neck, wrists ...Keep the bottle handy to be able to breathe in the smell from time to time. Pour 2 teaspoons of product in a warm bath just before entering the water. Shake well to disperse the essential oils. Take frequent showers and put 1 drop of a glove wet and rub the whole body out of the shower.

Oils and their properties:
- Against anxiety: Bergamot, chamomile, sandalwood, lavender, mandarin.
- Against grief: cypress, marjoram, sandalwood.
- Against anger: Peppermint, ylang-ylang, chamomile.
- Against panic: Clary Sage.
- Against boredom: lemon, peppermint and rosemary.
- Against mental fatigue: Basil, Grapefruit.
- Against guilt: clary sage, sandalwood, chamomile.
- Against mood swings: Lavender, geranium, jasmine.
- Against insomnia: Cedarwood, chamomile, lavender, mandarin, marjoram, sandalwood.
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