Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Wholemeal bread

The bread is good for your health! Yes, gone are the ideas which must be banished from our menus. Bread agree, but not just any. For us it is really profitable, it is better to choose full or rye flour.
In fact, bread is an essential nutritionally. He has more than 50% carbohydrate and thus helps to cover our daily needs in the field. The bread is made of sugars which will gradually spread throughout the body and allow the body to hold until the next meal.
In addition, the bread in the food category meager 200g of bread are required as part of a balanced diet. Emphasize the quality of bread, because it will be more tasty, plus you can use nature. Materials are often too fat (butter, nutella, etc.) that make it a taboo, these associations are fats / sugars are not good for the body.
Innovate, spread with honey, maple syrup or apple slices, banana bread ... The food is very rich, it contains magnesium, minerals, vitamins and fiber. Its richness in fiber helps fight against constipation disorders, magnesium prevents having cramps and improves mood.

In fact, magnesium is one of the main food of the nerve cell, in all nervous system (nervousness, depression, insomnia, anxiety ...) there is deficiency of magnesium. The bread is considered an anti-stress!
In addition, it contains vitamin B2 very important for the body. This is an essential vitamin for cellular metabolism and convert food into energy, it also influences the hormone production.

There is also a tank proteins, which essentially corrects the imbalance between animal protein (generally in excess in our diets) and vegetable proteins. 300g Bread 21g of protein provide plant, the equivalent of a burger!
Away with misconceptions No, bread is not fattening. With 255 kcal per 100g, it is less calories than 100g of pasta or rice ... This is what you put on it, as I've said before, which can lead to weight gain, provided that it abuse.
Take as a general rule it is better to combine fast and slow sugar sugar, as sugar and fat. Prefer a slice of jam or honey, rather than a slice of meat, we consume preferably with vegetables.
Yes, you can eat bread every day, it contains all the nutrients for good health! A child should consume about 100 to 150g and 250g adults (the equivalent of a full stick).
No, the bread does not constipate the contrary! With 8g of fiber, it facilitates the transit and its fibers have more power to trap cholesterol. Consume regularly is a real plus for health.

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